Made in Italy in Italy: can it work? Today I read in the Corriere della Sera a approfondimeno Dario Di Vico on market consumption and low cost made in Italy (see
here) and, beyond the completeness of Alvor, I posed some questions. The article, in short, authoritative reporting of data, assuming that in the coming years there will be in Italy from 13 to 15 million households with a monthly income of around € 1,500 (mostly pensioners, casual and younger) .
Now, made in Italy to talk about it for several years, but with the recent economic crisis, and with the flick of the tail array macroeconomic performance in recent months (see Greece), in Italy No can do nothing but talk about the need, by the Italian companies to export their products, characterized by the core values \u200b\u200bof "Made in Italy (quality of raw materials, design, aesthetic taste and so on). So much so that open debate on the issues resulting from the euro-dollar exchange, the composition of the Italian production system, almost entirely composed of small and medium-sized enterprises (now known to all SMEs), through the new consumer segments the BRIC (Brazil-Russia-India-China).
We agree that exports are an opportunity for Italian companies that until has now been used for almost nothing, at least by most companies, however, as mentioned, it is really small, have structural problems inevitable. As also suggested the same Di Vico, will not perhaps be starting to worry even in domestic consumption, given even numbers (13-15 million households) that we talked about? Of course, innovative ideas are and we know that the Italian system is not quite agree with the term "innovation".
However, there are interesting cases as Oviesse Tezenis, Intimissimi and lobbies, which showed that a strategy focused on cost reduction (through a study of the processes and supply chain), resulting in reduction in consumer prices may prove successful. Of course, the big brands are not made in Italy to fall from the pedestal to cover the segments in question, but is it not the case with the push for smaller companies to develop innovative ideas in this direction? Especially given the fact that small family-style craft, of course, have enormous difficulties in operating strategies of internationalization of the markets.
Maybe it's time to look at him, and begin to understand that the made in Italy you can talk, but it must be remembered that it is not the solution that will solve the economic problems of the country. And 'maybe the case of channeling some of the characteristics of Italian projects in low-cost, develop customer value through a mix of quality, value and price.